The French press talks about us

and that makes us very happy

Report on national TV channel France 3 for the news, August 19, 2021, by Yacine Arbaoui

Report on national TV channel France 3 for the news, January 2, 2021, by Virginie Danger and Frédéric Renard

Report on regional TV channel France 3 for the news, December 30, 2020, by Virginie Danger and Frédéric Renard

Report on national TV channel M6 for the news, July 20, 2020 by Bruno Marquet

Interview for regional TV channel Provence Azur TV, June 30, 2020, by Alexandra Galdon

Interview for France Bleu Provence, February 27, 2021, by Cédric Frémi

Interview for France Bleu Provence, January 13, 2021, by Mélanie Masson

Live interview on NRJ radio, June 30, 2020

2nd live interview for Nostalgie radio, June 25, 2020

1st live interview on Nostalgie radio, June 25, 2020

Live interview on "La Matinale" of France Bleu Provence, June 22, 2020, by Corinne Zagara

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